Saturday, November 16, 2013

How much video can a 8GB SD card hold if I use a DSLR?

laptop for dslr video editing
 on Nikon-D5200-Digital-SLR-Camera-with-39-point-AF-and-24.1-Megapixel ...
laptop for dslr video editing image


My DSLR camera is a Canon EOS X3 (Kiss Rebel).
Can you please also specify what settings will allow me to record longer videos? How much will it affect the quality of the video?

Thanks in advance!!!


That depends on the size [sd, 720p or 1080p] Interlaced or Progressive, the used video codec and the settings of said codec. I don't think anybody can really tell you precise definitely if you factor in that if it uses Variable Bitrate Encoding, like AVC/MP4 well then it even depends on the scenes because it is variable.

8GB is allot and if it uses a decent codec I feel that should at least give you 30 minutes. Actually you probably earlier have to deal with the limited time the camera allows you to film. See DSLR sensors heat up during use. To stop getting to hot there might be software limitations. Not to mention battery life yeah another issue. How long can the battery handle it.

It isn't odd that many videos are shot in multiple parts. And on your laptop/computer to it together. You edit it.

I want to create a high quality film and I need tips on what video cameras to get?


I also want to take high quality photographs, they can be one camera or two separate ones (one for filming the other for taking pictures). I just really need tips on what to get. I want to make short movies in very high definition on YouTube for a project I'm doing. Thank you!
My budget would probably be around $300 or less. I really want to make urban style type of videos.

What I need more right now is a video camera.

Hi Janet:

Cameras & camcorders range from under-$50 USD to many-thousands, and Y!A users range from 13-year old teens to well-seasoned retirees, so you need to give us a bit more information about how much you have to spend.

And your subject matter & visual approach for your YouTube project can influence the equipment selection greatly.

So rather than a bunch of "blue sky" model recommendations, I'll stick with the general "tips" you are asking for.

1) Set a budget of what you can afford to spend. Photography has traditionally been an expensive hobby (especially in the "film only" days). Video is cheaper than the old "home movies", but you still "get what you pay for" as far as quality.

2) You seem to be interested in both "filming" and "taking pictures", so don't get wrapped-up in the "Megapixels" hype, which is fairly meaningless for video once you get above 2.07MP (multiply 1080 by 1920 pixels, for HD, and you'll see what I mean). Higher megapixels only affects photo blowups, and still won't do you any good if your lens is cheaply made.

3) Don't get a camcorder or DSLR that shoots video your computer can't edit! HD video takes a lot of computing power, tons of RAM, large & fast hard drive storage, and high-end video cards. Match the edit software to the "codec" the video is made with.

4) Buy the best video tripod you can afford. Tripods don't get obsolete, and a jerky low-end pan head will frustrate you more than any other piece of gear. Still-cameras can pretty much sit still on top of any cheap mount, but a moving camera shot takes smooth, precision-tooled mounting & control.

5) Sound & microphones are more important than you may realize. People will watch a grainy YouTube video with good sound, but too-soft, echo-ey or distorted sound on the best-looking video will drive viewers away. Make sure you have an external mike input on at least one (if not all) of your camera heads. This is also vital for music videos.

6) Learn about "3 point lighting", and if you plan to make still-photo portraits, then study portraiture techniques. Good video (and photos) require good lighting, and more is better to prevent grainy poorly-detailed video footage.

7) As far as lensing, if you are on a low-end budget, look for Optical Zoom (not Digital Zoom, which is worthless). Some cheap cameras, like the Flip, and some not-so-cheap cameras like the GoPro Hero series have a fixed lens with no optical zoom. Digital zoom is added to many of these (which is just pixel-cropping) to make them seem "better".

8) Another lens-related feature is O.I.S. (for Optical Image Stabilization), which helps prevent shaky video & stills when your lens is zoomed-in or hand-held. Some cameras handle this better than others (and some call this feature by different names).

9) My final recommendation, as far as YouTube projects, is to not let a lack of budget or equipment stop your creative efforts. Two of the most-watched (and now, well-paid) YouTube stars are Jenna Mourey ("JennaMarbles") and Hanna Hart ("My Drunk Kitchen"), both of whom shot & edited almost all their famous videos with the iSight webcam on their MacBook laptops.

Feel free to post an "Additional Details" update to your Question to give us a price range, and we can recommend specific models or feature lists you can afford.

hope this helps,
--Dennis C.

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How long before this camera is considered obsolete?

best laptop for hd video editing 2010
 on Win one of two Flip Mino HD camcorders from T3 and Mrgreen | My UK ...
best laptop for hd video editing 2010 image


My son is a high school senior. Next year he wants to go to community college and live at home (at least that is reasonably affordable) instead of going away to school. He wants to take an expensive major however. Video production. We have been able to save about $5,000 towards his education. We are not wealthy people. The rest will have to come from loans and maybe a grant or scholarship.
We are looking at some "entry level" pro cameras in the $1500-1800 range. That's about 1/3 of our savings for his education.
Models include these:

My concern is he starts September 2013 so these products may not even be available by then or others will be available. We hope he graduates May 2015. He tells us when he graduates he will maybe find a freelance job or shoot local cable news, build up some experience, maybe after 2 years go for a B.A. at least part time.
Is anything we buy him in 2013 (summer) going to be any use to him as a working professional in 2015 (summer)? So let's say you are a class of 2012 graduate with an AAS in video production. The camera you purchased in the summer of 2010 when you first started, do you still use it professionally? Can you make anything doing freelance news videos, PR videos or local account commercials with this equipment?
We're going to do everything we can to help him. No doubt he will still be living at home in the summer of 2015. By then he's going to have a student loan to pay off. We have a 2005 Hyundai Accent that we are going to give him for college. I hope that thing still runs when it is 10 years old and he isn't making car payments on top of that. The thing has 120,000 miles on it but runs really well. I just fear when he graduates he's going to be in deep debt and have limited employment. I may be wrong. What do you think? Thanks.

Hi "Upwardly Mobile":

Fellow Contributor "L" covered most of the bases quite well, but the only point he didn't underscore is that MOST good video & film production programs at community colleges HAVE the cameras, lights, mikes, tripods, and other gear that the students will learn on & use.

When I went to a local (but nationally prominent) university with a Broadcast/Film Dept., portable video was still fairly new, but all the film cameras, tripods, & light kits were supplied by the Department for students to "check out" as-needed for class projects.

And most video production students start out with Studio Production techniques (where it's easier for groups to learn 3-point lighting, camera setup & tripod/dolly operation, shot composition, audio techniques & mixing, etc.). No need for portable field gear there.

For field production & Electronic News Gathering, a good college will have a fair number of camcorders for students to use & check out (if needed for outside-of-class projects).

The same is true for Editing Software & computer workstations. Some college programs might be economizing and making students supply their own laptops for this, but all the major software companies offer Academic Editions of their normally-expensive edit suites at discounted prices. And of course, nowadays, apps like iMovie (Mac) and Movie Maker (PC) come "free" as part of the operating system and can accomplish what older (and expensive) software used to do, as far as basic editing.

As "L" mentioned, do a bit of "homework" yourself by contacting the community college's department head & instructors for your son's chosen major. Tour the facilities (studio and edit suites) and ask about the "equipment room" for student project gear. See what textbooks (a major expense) are required, and whether computer/laptop & software expense will be part of what's expected of your son. Only if there's little-or-no camcorder gear (or no hands-on studio cameras) would I recommend buying anything like the models from B+H that you listed.

Almost every cable TV & freelance video job I've had over the past 30 years has "supplied" (rented or company-owned) the cameras & grip gear I needed. I bring my own gear only when it's a "favor" or when what I have is better-suited to the task, or they want a "director with gear". My point being, your son doesn't need to own =any= camera gear to make a living freelancing. A good camera operator can stay busy in almost any part of the country, with just his/her skills. (Same for sound mixers & boom/wireless mike operators.)

hope this helps, and hope it saves you some money,
--Dennis C.

Is dell studio 15 good for MAYA animation?


ok here are the specs:
core 2 duo 2.1 GHz T6500
250 GB HD
256 MB ATI Mobility Raedon 3450
6 Cell

will above specs will be capale to run utilize MAYA 2010 for rendering videos and high quality videos?
I want laptop of budget range below 1K.

No, that laptop will do horribly with animation software and video rendering. The graphics card is horrible and the processor couldn't begin to keep up with what you need.

This computer is $1065 and will do what you need it to do, and the speed that you will need it. You don't have to add anything onto either, its base specs are just fine. The only thing you would possibly want more of, would be RAM, but until you know just how much you actually need (i.e. when you actually have the computer and are using it) then 4GB will be fine.

The only downside to it would be that it does not have a Full HD screen, as would be preferred for video editing. You could always get a monitor to hook it up to, though, and fix that. Unless of course you want video editing on the go.

It's the best out there for what it sounds like you need it for. If you really plan on doing professional editing, then this is your best choice, if not your only choice if you actually want to get things done without waiting hours for things to render.

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Where can I look at an Alienware M14x?

best laptop computer for video editing 2011
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Gangsta Do

I'm thinking of getting an Alienware M14x but I don't want to spend all that money without seeing first what I'm getting. Is there a store with an M14x on display? I live in South East England. I don't mind driving a bit but I don't want to drive to Birmingham. Any ideas?
I do not want an essay-like advertisement that is so long that the answerer forgets what the question was BTW.

This are the new powerful models of Alienware that they just brought out this May 2011, order it on-line:
click here:

If you're looking for an affordable, not so big, yet best in performance gaming laptop like me?
GET THE msi GT680R-15.6" full HD GAMING NOTEBOOK which comes with the 2nd Generation Core i7 Processor 2630QM, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 1TB Hard Disk Drive (2 x 500GB 7200rpm SATA HDD) & a powerful Class 1, 1.5GB NVIDIA GTX460M DDR5 dedicated graphics card that can handle DirectX 11 enhancing the 3D detail effects from (SKU#: 6547393). I was free for the day so I hung around the store and got to use the laptop first hand. I came back to check out the laptop every hour for 6 hrs and found out that the air from the vent of the laptop remained cool compared to any other laptop on display there, stating power & proper heat management, w/c means this laptop can handle long hours of gruelling play. Now, I'm all stewed up saving to buy this b4 Blizzard releases Diablo 3.
The MSI GT680R 15.6" Gaming Notebook w/ the Intel® Core⢠i-7 retails for $1,499.99 (+ tax & other sur-charges). I chose to pay more to have the newest technology so that I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT GETTING OUTDATED WITHIN THE NEXT 11 YRS.
Note: This is more expensive by $200 if you order it on-line from Go to website, see what they can do & if you can order it from them.

Are you a game enthusiasts playing for long hours? Need a notebook cooler? I have a COOLER MASTER U2 Notebook Cooler w/c has dual purposes. Detach the easily detacheable dual fan, & you can use the aluminum frame as a protection for your laptop's LCD screen when inside the bag. I got mine from for 48% cheaper than the regular $24.99 tag ( SKU#: 6344931).

If you're a lil' bit low on budget, get the next best thing. The msi GE620-021 15.6" Gaming Notebook also features a 2nd Generation Intel Core i7 Processor 2630QM & 8GB DDR3 RAM, just 640GB HDD, but only a Class 2, 1GB NVIDIA GT540M dedicated graphics card that can also handle DirectX 11 effects from (SKU#: 6539123).
The ASUS N53SV-XR1 for $949.99 sounds 150dollars cheaper, but comes with only 4GB of memory.

Just remember these: The 1st thing you should look for on the computer surface is A LOGO STICKER for NVIDIA or ATI MOBILITY RADEON just below the keyboard. This SHOWS that the laptop has A DEDICATED GRAPHICS CARD (for AutoCAD & Adobe Photoshop). Diablo III, the game I would love most to play runs on 3D graphics & is rumored to need at least 1GB GRAPHICS MEMORY (lower graphics memory = CHEAPER laptop price), so always check the system requirement specs on the game's box (ex. SIMS 3; see if your laptop meets all the requirements).
For gamers, make sure the GRAPHICS CARD you get on the laptop IS ONLY from the HIGH END or MIDRANGE:
click the link:
Next important aspect is the RAM (memory). If you're in designing & you need to run applications like AutoCAD or softwares for editing photos & videos, just make sure that the laptop has AT LEAST 2GB DDR2 RAM modules in it (HIGHER IS BETTER; DDR3 & DDR5 are faster & newer types of memory modules that came out).
But what makes a computer really run fast? It is it's processor! So if you really want your processor to have computing prowess & you're able to run different applications simultaneously, make sure it's AS EFFICIENT AS an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor (Centrino 2 is a Core 2 Duo featuring power saving capabilities; Quad Core is for gaming fanatics). A Core 2 Duo is like having 2 motors running the computer each independent of the other w/c means for a Quad Core, it's like 4 motors are running the machine (that means it will run faster & more efficient even if its frequency is lower to that of a Core 2 Duo). Intel: Core 2 Duo, Centrino 2, Quad Core, Core i-3, Core i-5 & Core i-7 are all very much faster & better than an Intel: DUAL CORE, PENTIUM, CELERON, ATOM & their more affordable AMD counterparts. Just make sure you have AT LEAST 2GHz of speed on your processor.

FYI: I always tell my customers, a laptop's battery is similar to a cell phone's. You charge it when it's depleted & you unplug the adapter when it is already fully charge (this will prevent the battery from getting overcharged & extend the life of the battery). So for less hassle, I always advice my customers to just remove the battery if they plan to use the computer for long hours straight (more than 1 hour) and just run it on AC power alone so as not to overcharge it & shorten the battery life.

What is a good gaming laptops to get?


I know ASUS and Alienware are supposed to be good, but lately Ive been hearing Alienware is not that great anymore and ASUS certain parts break down pretty fast and their customer service is bad. Are there any good ASUS or Alienwares out now? in the 1,500-1,600 or less range.

Can some people name some good gaming laptops as well as brands, I keep coming across some but then they'll be some sort of error with them.

Memory 8 GB or more with ability to upgrade
Hard drive 750 GB or more
CPU i7 3r d gen.
Graphics Card 2-3 GB or more
Display 15-17 inch etc.

Although i want a gaming computer i wont be gaming on it much, I just want a gaming computer because they tend to have more memory, and hard drive space etc.

Thank you both..Alex i had checked that laptop out and i read reviews about freezing and touch pad issues...have you experienced any issues with that? and what yr is your ASUS? are there any others you would recommend?
Also anymore suggestions are appreciated thanks

The most important factor of a gaming laptop is the graphics processor. The stronger the graphics, the better the gaming unless particularly slowed by the CPU or a ram shortage or other factors.
Video editing needs a lot of ram and a faster CPU. Stronger CPUs and graphics power take more battery power, so if they still have a standard 6 cell lithium ion, a faster laptop has a shorter battery life.
Weight is also a factor in the portability, and many people are more interested in the portability. You get a much more powerful desktop PC with a bigger monitor at the same price as a gaming laptop.
For brand quality and reliability in general, I use the customer survey published annually by PC World magazine. December 2011 is the latest, with this year due out soon.
Although Macbooks are known as more reliable, their price to performance is terrible. They cost a lot for the CPU and graphics performance level, and the OSX operating system has a smaller list of compatible software. Also, Lenovo has 3 product lines; Essential, Ideapad, and Thinkpad. Thinkpads are considered the most robust and best keyboards and have other excellent characteristics, but they do not get high level graphics because they are business systems.

Most laptops have 2 slots for DRAM. 8GB laptops are generally 2x4GB, and that is usually plenty. The graphics ram is more important to be GDDR5 instead of DDR3 type rather than how much ram. The graphics level is important, but the ram can be shared system ram as DDR3 and so having 2 GB dedicated graphics ram is only really good if it is GDDR5 ram. In DDR3, just add it to the system ram.
You can see a reported CPU and graphics score average at this site on two tabs:

One of the bargains in the industry is the Lenovo Y580 at, but shipments are now delayed and prices were increased. They were perfect during black friday sale with $900 price on what is now $1,039.20. There are a few left at resellers.
3rd Generation Intel Core i7-3630QM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX660M 2GB GDDR5, backlit keyboard, 15.6" screen in 1080p, 8.0GB PC3-12800 DDR3 SDRAM 1600 MHz, 1TB 5400RPM+16G SSD, Blu-ray/DVD-RW, 6 Cell Li-Polymer, 2x2 wireless, bluetooth, HD CAM, HDMI, and a good set of extra features like one button recovery. You would have to wait for delivery. The only thing some people don't like is the screen has glare of overhead or lights behind you, but it has an extra wide color gamat with more accurate reproduction. In stock at Newegg for $1110 is DVDRW instead of bluray and a 750GB with 16GB acceleration SSD:

The only manufacturers of laptops selling under their own name is Asus and MSI. Laptops are designed and produced by them and Clevo, Wistron, Quanta, Invertec, and a few other manufacturers all in China. The brands are actually just sales and service and procurement organizations doing selection of keyboards, HDDs, LCDs, and other sub-components made by other companies. Lenovo Thinkpad still has design teams some formerly of IBM and a lab for reliability testing in Japan.

At $1210 is an MSI with similar specs to the Lenovo Y580, but in a 17.3" anti-reflective screen, no SSD, and is DVDRW:
You can see gaming performance here:
If not gaming heavily, there would be no need to spend more as it is mostly only moving up the graphics power. Extra ram over 8+2GB is not very important.
I show the full HD 1920x1080 resolution since you are at the price point to get it.

This is a nice choice at Amazon of a Samsung:
It's only flaw is bluray and DVD player, but does not show DVD writing. It may have it, but does not state it so probably does not. The color is yellow/orange. The screen is a 17.3" extra bright 400 nit. The HD 7870M is a little better than NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M. It has a 1TB HDD. The Samsung brand is a high quality one. It is heavy at 8.4 pounds.

You can browse around, but if you like the color (see it at various sites for sale by google of the model number), and don't miss DVD writing (you can buy an external one), the Samsung is an excellent choice. Just browse around Newegg by looking at laptops sorted by price at 100 per page, and then select at left the i7, and slidebar for 1920x1080, and parameters of GB of ram and HDD. You can also check Amazon, but they are harder to search.

With the article about quality, a site that shows reported CPU and graphics power and another with gaming by GPU and the places to buy being Newegg, Amazon, Tigerdirect,
it is just a matter of deciding what suits you.

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What video editing softwares are there for Mac?

video editing software jahshaka
 on Software / Editor de Video / Gratis / Ingl�s / Jahshaka
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Random Gur

I was just wondering, what video editing softwares there are out there for Mac. A list of them all would be nice. Even if there mainly used on PC's, but work for Mac (I've heard of something called Sony Vegas, but does that work for Mac?), that would be great too. Thanks in advance! (Links to them would also be appreciated)

Scroll down to the Mac OS section.

I use avidemux on linux it works real well and encodes almost anything, never used it on Mac though.

Good free video editing and special effects software?

Weedle Iee

I would like a FREE video editing and special effects software. I have tried Windows Movie Maker 2011
and need something a little more advanced. I would prefer no free trails.

Free special effects means Jahshaka:

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What is a easy-to-use video editing software with lots of features?

quicktime video editing software
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I need a video editing software that is somewhat easy to use. And also has a lot of feature. Like Sony Vegas, only just a little easier to use. But not like Windows Movie Maker, where it all around just sucks balls. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

A screen shot of this program below ans Sony Vegas 10 -

A program with over 2000 effects, easy to learn and can do things Windows movie Maker could never do. Pinnacle Studio 14 HD Ultimate.

This is not a program that can run on any computer, see below -

Minimum System Requirements

Windows® 7, Windows Vista® (SP2), or Windows XP (SP3)
Intel® Pentium® or AMD Athlon⢠1.8 GHz (2.4 GHz or higher recommended)
-Intel Core⢠2 Duo 2.4 GHz required for AVCHD*
-Intel Core⢠2 Quad 2.66 GHz or Intel Core i7 required for
AVCHD* 1920
1 GB system memory recommended, 2 GB required for AVCHD*
DirectX® 9 or 10 compatible graphics card with 64 MB (128 MB or higher recommended)
-256 MB required for HD and AVCHD*
DirectX 9 (or higher) compatible sound card
3.8 GB of disk space
DVD-ROM drive to install software

Import Formats

â¢Video: AVCHD*, AVCHD Lite*, BD Blu-ray*, DV, HDV, AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DivX®*, MPEG-4*, 3GP (MPEG-4)*, WMV, non-encrypted DVD titles (incl. DVD-VR/+VR), QuickTime® MOV (DV, MPEG-4*, H.264*), DivX Plus® MKV*
â¢Audio: MP3, MPA, WAV, AC3*, WMA

If interested, link below takes you to the site, but you can get this $80 program for free. Do this by opening a web browser, surfing over to YouTube. Once there, in the search box on that site, enter 'Pinnacle Studio 14'. Youâre looking for free download, find a search link or video that says that, in the video description, there will be link for a free download. Make sure, before you do this, to make sure your computer can meet or exceed those Specs above, and pay special attention to the AVCHD specs if you have or are going to get a HD camcorder.

What is the best free video editing software?


I've found a few but they all have just a free trial and then I have to pay for it. I need a video editing software that is free download for ever. Like Windows Movie Maker, but not Windows Movie Maker. I tried Windows Movie Maker, but it makes the video go really slow with a really deep voice then speed up to really high voice like what? So please help me find a free video editor please and thank-you <3

A program with over 2000 effects, easy to learn and can do things Windows movie Maker could never do. Another program with even more effects and Timeline space also.

Pinnacle Studio 14 HD Ultimate & Sony Vegas Pro 10

Screen Shot - Upgrade your computer to AVCHD specs below and you can run both programs seen on my Web Page on your computer. Just Rejig the search term below in the YouTube search, from the instructions below.

This is not a program that can run on any computer, see below -

Minimum System Requirements

Windows® 7, Windows Vista® (SP2), or Windows XP (SP3)
Intel® Pentium® or AMD Athlon⢠1.8 GHz (2.4 GHz or higher recommended)
-Intel Core⢠2 Duo 2.4 GHz required for AVCHD*
-Intel Core⢠2 Quad 2.66 GHz or Intel Core i7 required for
AVCHD* 1920
1 GB system memory recommended, 2 GB required for AVCHD*
DirectX® 9 or 10 compatible graphics card with 64 MB (128 MB or higher recommended)
-256 MB required for HD and AVCHD*
DirectX 9 (or higher) compatible sound card
3.8 GB of disk space
DVD-ROM drive to install software

Import Formats

⢠Video: AVCHD*, AVCHD Lite*, BD Blu-ray*, DV, HDV, AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DivX®*, MPEG-4*, 3GP (MPEG-4)*, WMV, non-encrypted DVD titles (incl. DVD-VR/+VR), QuickTime® MOV (DV, MPEG-4*, H.264*), DivX Plus® MKV*
⢠Audio: MP3, MPA, WAV, AC3*, WMA

If interested, links below takes you to the sites, but you can get these two programs for free. Do this by opening a web browser, surfing over to YouTube. Once there, in the search box on that site, enter 'Pinnacle Studio 14' or âSony Vegas Pro 10â. Youâre looking for free download, find a link or video that says that, in the video description, there will be link for a free download. Make sure, before you do this, to make sure your computer can meet or exceed those Specs above, and pay special attention to the AVCHD specs if you have or are going to get a HD camcorder.

A laptop running these Programs, when rendering say a 10 minute Video out, be prepared, render times could leave your laptop useless, while rendering for 4 or 5 days on that file. Besides you cannot upgrade a Laptop this way, so it unlikely these program will run on most Laptops. Pinnacle Studio 14 Ultimate Collection Sony Vegas Pro 10

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Looking for a cheap gaming laptop?

recommended laptops for video editing 2011
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recommended laptops for video editing 2011 image

Emma Light

Windows 7
Dual Core 2.0Ghz
video card with 512 MB of RAM


How much would this run me and what would be a good choice?
Can anyone be at all HELPFUL?
Thank you +ST+FD+, Do you think that the second laptop would be able to run something like WoW, Skyrim, EQ, Etc.? .... dont really know much about comps.

You can find reviews of laptops at CNET. They have reviews for the latest laptops on the market.;brandnav
I recommend DELL laptops, because in my opinion they make the best laptops out there. I still use my DELL Inspiron 1501 that's nearly 5 years old. Take a look at this laptop.
It's called DELL Inspiron 15R and it's cheap and I think it's bes for the price. Specs:

Processor 2nd Generation Intel® Core⢠i5-2430M processor 2.40 GHz with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 3.00 GHz
Operating SystemGenuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64-Bit, English
Display15.6" High Definition (720p) LED Display with TrueLifeâ¢
Memory34GB3 Single Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz
Hard Drive 500GB4 SATA hard drive (5400RPM)
Optical Drive 8X Tray Load CD/DVD Burner (Dual Layer DVD+/-R Drive) with Roxio Creator 2011
Video CardIntel HD Graphics/HD Graphics 3000 with up to 1.6GB Dynamic Video Memory
Warranty1 Year Mail-in Repair in 10-14 days after Remote Diagnosis
Weight5.84 lbs

Price: $600

The only thing that sucks is the graphics card. It has Intel VGA, which is not suited for gaming. However, there's a more expensive version of this laptop, which costs $724 and has a dual graphics card. Specs:

Processor 2nd Generation Intel® Core⢠i5-2430M processor 2.40 GHz with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 3.00 GHz
Operating SystemGenuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64-Bit, English
Display15.6" High Definition (720p) LED Display with TrueLifeâ¢
Memory36GB3 Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz
Hard Drive 640GB4 SATA hard drive (5400RPM)
Optical Drive 8X Tray Load CD/DVD Burner (Dual Layer DVD+/-R Drive) with Roxio Creator 2011
Video CardAMD Radeon⢠HD 6470M (64-bit) 512MB (Dual)
Warranty1 Year Basic Support
Weight5.84 lbs

I think this laptop is worth the money.

EDIT: I know many things for computers for a 15 year old kid. My goal is to become a programmer and I am very interested in technology. However, I'm not a gamer, so therefore I don't know much about gaming.

Macbook Air (2011) vs Macbook Pro SSD?


Hi. I am in the market for a laptop and want either the Macbook Air 13 inches or Macbook Pro SSD 13 inches . I will be using the laptop for browsing the web, creating documents and streaming music. The Macbook Air has been receiving exceptional reviews and the benchmarks show it outperforming even the 2011 Macbook Pro 13 inch base models. Add that level of performance to a beautiful laptop and I thought I was sold. I tried it in the apple store and the performance blew me away (those ssds are AMAZING) However, I will not be taking the laptop out of the house very often. Although the portability would be great in terms of moving it around my house, I do not feel it is my number one priority. Should I still go for the air? Or should I go for the Pro SSD? I really like the ability to launch apps very quickly so I am sold on SSD, so I will not look at the 13 inch base model at all. However, as portability is not a HUGE factor, will my money be better spent with the Pro SSD? I will not be doing any great photo or video editing, simply documents and internet... and keep in mind it costs an extra $150 to the air. However, as portability is not a number one concern will the pro still do me better in the long run?

ALSO, if neither of the two fit my needs, recommend another laptop, or tell me if I should wait till the new pros!
Which Windows laptop should I look at?

I will strongly recommend you Apple MacBook Pro MC700LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop. While buying Macbook air you have to sacrifice memory as it has less hard drive. The graphics are so clear, it is so fast and so light weight to carry anywhere. You can check this out at

Read this opinion from an actual user, and you'll know why I recommend this laptop

If you still want to get the MacBook Air, you may find a good price for it here

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I am looking to buy a gaming/business laptop for under $2500. What is the best on the market and why?

optimise laptop for video editing
 on ... video with HTML5Top 10 albums of 2008New ExpressionEngine extension
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I want to be able to play StarCraft 2 when it comes out, as well as any other new games in the next few years. I also need to do some video editing and work in HD formats.

If you want personalized, reliable and quick advice, you should check out -- They have a recommendation engine that ranks laptops based on reviews from a community of trusted IT professionals. They also have a cool personalization slider that lets you optimize the results based on the criteria that are most important to YOU.

What is the best Windows laptop for video, picture, and audio editing?


For my good grades my parents are thinking of buying me a laptop and one of my hobbies is to edit videos, so I was wondering what Windows laptop is the best for editing? PLEASE don't suggest a Mac!!! I don't have the money for a Mac and I would also prefer not to have one. So please give me your opinions! Also if you could give me a link to where I could get info and purchase this laptop. ThX

If you want personalized, reliable and quick advice, you should check out -- They have a recommendation engine that ranks laptops based on reviews from a community of trusted IT professionals. They also have a cool personalization slider that lets you optimize the results based on the criteria that are most important to YOU.

Hope you'll find this answer useful...

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

What kind of laptop should I get? What brands are good?

video editing software for windows 98
 on IBM ThinkPad 755CD, 755CDV Windows 95, 98  ...
video editing software for windows 98 image


In college I learned all about computers in order to buy mine, but Windows 98 was out then and much has changed, and the laptops I've had in between have been work issued and it wasn't my responsibility to purchase it.

I want pretty basic functions- the ability to watch dvds, download music, good WiFi access, and all the basic Microsoft Office software that's good for business. I would not mind good photo editing software, but it isn't 100% mandatory as long as there's something. I don't play video games or do really intense high tech stuff.

Here's the thing, the Gateway I have now has been a piece of crap that is too large and heavy to lug around, gets hot on to the point where when it's on my lap i put a pillow underneath, etc. etc. I want a brand I can trust not to punk out on me, but still have basic needs and a tight budget for this purchase. So, good brand, cheap model. I thought seriously about switching to Mac, but the ibook is expensive, and I want to compare it to PCs.

Ok...I'm a computer geek to the fullest of the word. At 14 I was tearing down and rebuilding computers using parts from 3-4 donors. I can walk circles around ANY windows version or ms-dos version. So far, the best brand that I have worked with, and own, is Hewlett-Packard. Note: Do NOT go with the Compaq brand...HP sells that brand too but don't be's a piece of crap. My recommendation (I just looked through their site using your specs) would be :HP Pavilion dv6500t series
Take a look at it. It's like $599 or something. So far HP has been great to me. My computer's warranty ran out over 2 years ago but they still give free support 24/7 365/yr online(chat help). I have had to contact them from time to time to download drivers..etc when I wanted to reformat for one of my new (insane) projects.(I like to tinker...)Anyway...I wouldn't buy a Dell for all the money in the world.(Read this: ) It tells about the nightmare you will experience if you dare tread into the "Dellzone". And as you already said, Gateway sucks. Hope this helps.

The software that came with my digital video camera is old and doesn't work on my machine, what should I use?

Brent B

My digital video camera is from 2001. The software that came with it is compatible up to windows 98. I loaded the software, but my computer doesn't even recognize my camera. Is there free software that I can use to import the video off of my digital video camera, onto my computer, and eventually upload to I have a Sony digital 8.
I'm using xp for my os. I've tried to go to the company's web-site, but it is no longer available.

A Sony Digital 8 camcorder will transfer video to your computer using Firewire. You need to add a firewire port to your computer and use a firewire cable connected to it and the camera's DV port. (most likely a 4-pin camera to 6-pin computer iEEE1394a cable).

USB will not work.

Once the firewire port is working and you connect the camcorder and the camcorder is in "Play/Edit" mode, Movie Maker or WinDV will be able to import the video from the camcorder.

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How can i make a video without a mac computer?

video editing software kubuntu
 on Kushelmex Open Blog
video editing software kubuntu image

Mo D

I dont have a mac, i have a pc and i want to make a you tube video. not the ones with film and such, the ones with just writing and a song in the background. How can i make one?

If you want to buy software: Here are the top video editing software for Windows:

There is also always Windows Movie Maker (free)

More Free Options are:
OSALT will give you some alternatives... (here are alternatives to IMovie) Please Note: These are all free (in green) (Please note: if the Operating system is crossed off, it means that it is not available for that Operating System)
If you want to get excellent free software for movie editing, download linux and install as a dual boot. it is a great option if you are interested. Such as Ubuntu Studio Or regular Ubuntu and then install Cinelerra, Kino, Lives, Pitivi

Installing Linux in general is very simple and much more secure than OS X(Macintosh) and free.
Also, most Linux distributions have a LiveCD which means you can try without installing...
All you have to do is..
A) to download .iso file off the internet from the Linux website
B) burn the .iso file to a CD or DVD (Make sure your burning software can burn an ISO or get InfraRecorder )
C) restart the computer with the CD in the drive
D) As computer is restarting, press on F12 Key a bunch of times to get a boot menu
E) Select the option to boot from CD or DVD.

Click on this link and follow instructions up to the point of "Once the system has started up...", (the rest is how to backup windows) for an easy picture guide for steps A-E above
For easy instructions on setting up Dual Boot

What is the best lap top for me?


I will have $1800 to spend on a lap top. I have hundreds of pictures and I enjoy editing and printing them. I like to make mini videos and edit them as well. I enjoy writing short stories too. So something with a big hard drive and something fast is necessary. I am big into graphics. I am not opposed to a Mac but I am quite fond of what PC's have to offer.

I would look at a Toshiba for Laptops (good quality), probably the Qosimo is your best bet... Qosimo Toshiba A10 Toshiba X205

I would avoid Macs for the following reasons..

PC=Variety of specs, options, quality, prices, vendors, support
Mac=One vendor, limited options, still more expensive. Look below for more information..

Contrary to belief, Macs are not better quality. Apple also has been changing suppliers to try to "lower the price" and thus lowering quality. Even with the lower prices, Macs still cost more, they spend a higher percent of budget trying to make it look pretty, and marketing.

Today, Macs use the same hardware as PCs. Why spend extra to get the same CPU chips, graphics cards and OS X isn't as secure as you think.. Look below.


Aprox 90% of the market is Windows. Most PCs include windows already pre-installed.
1) A number of websites still require Internet Explorer to view and IE for Mac Stinks (it is really ies4osx which is the Windows IE version running really buggy on OS X and illegal if you don't have a legitimate copy of Windows, too many problems with it).
2) More supported peripherals (printers and other things you hook into the computer) on Windows.
4) Like the Dock on OS X (Mac)? google/yahoo rocketdock, objectdoc.

Install at least Free Versions of Avira AntiVir, Avast, Comodo Firewall on the Vista.


1) Install Linux, and then get tons of software for free.Update software easily and automatically. (Checking a checkbox in either two ways to install (Add/Remove or Synaptic Package Manager), search for something you want, check a box and click apply)
2) Like the Mac OS X effects? go yahoo/google COMPIZ FUSION. It can do just about any cool effect a Mac can do and more...
3) Like the Mac OS X Doc? google/yahoo Cairo Dock, avant window navigator.
4) It is faster/MORE SECURE. Surf the internet and even run some windows programs with Wnehq/Crossover..

If you are worried about viruses, spyware, security, Try Linux (it is free), I have included some information about Linux and links so you are not lost if you decide to try it.

Easily turn your system into a Dual booting computer with Linux, fast, safe and secure, easy to use (contrary to belief). You then get the best of both worlds (Windows with all of its supported products, freely go online without the worry)

My Recommendation would be either Ubuntu (Most popular and well supported linux), Kubuntu (KDE version of Ubuntu),
Freespire (has all windows codecs for watching videos, dvds out of the box),
PCLINUXOS (very nice Linux, easy to use and polished),
There are so many good versions of linux besides these.

PLEASE NOTE: In linux there are many forms of Windows Environments, the two main ones are KDE (K Desktop) and GNOME. Ubuntu uses GNOME, KUBUNTU is a KDE version of Ubuntu, PCLINUXOS, Freespire use KDE... The differences in the window environments (DESKTOPS) control how you configure, open close the windows, the appearances of the windows... helps with printer support. shows video and non-video help with learning to work with Ubuntu.

There are many good Linux distributions for different reasons,,, are good websites for overall understanding linux.

Installing Linux in general is very simple and much more secure than OS X(Macintosh) and free.
Also, most Linux distributions have a LiveCD which means you can try without installing...
All you have to do is..
A) to download .iso file off the internet from the Linux website
B) burn the .iso file to a CD or DVD (Make sure your burning software can burn an ISO or get InfraRecorder
C) restart the computer with the CD in the drive
D) As computer is restarting, press on F12 Key a bunch of times to get a boot menu
E) Select the option to boot from CD or DVD.

Click on this link and follow instructions up to the point of "Once the system has started up...", (the rest is how to backup windows) for an easy picture guide for steps A-E above
For easy instructions on setting up Dual Boot

ANOTHER QUICK NOTE: People have been able to run OS X on a PC since the PC and Mac use the same hardware. This is not legal and I would not recommend it for security and legal reasons, the purpose is to show that there is nothing special about the MAC.

A similar equipped PC is much cheaper to purchase than Mac. Lets use Dell (but you can compare with another PC Brand if you like)

Dell Inspiron Laptop $849 dropped to $799
15" Screen
CPU: (upgrade to) 2.1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100
Memory: 3GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Hard Drive: 320GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
Optical Drive: Blu-ray Disc Combo (DVD+/-RW + BD-ROM) - WRITES DVDS,CDS, READS Blue-Ray Disks

Macbook $1349 just dropped to $1224
13" Screen (SMALLER)
CPU: 2.1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (SAME)
Graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 (SAME)
Memory: (upgrade to) 2GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (LESS RAM)
Hard Drive (upgrade to) 250GBSerial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (SMALLER HARD DRIVE)
Optical Drive: (DVD-ROM/CD-RW) - (Writes CDs, DVDs, cannot read Blue-Ray) (WORSE AND 1/2 SPEED)


PLEASE NOTE: I'm comparing Apple Mac's vs Dells best deal. If you decide that you must have an all-in one. The Dell all-in-one has more ram, wireless keyboard and mouse and equivalent to $400 for free making the Imac still more expensive when you upgrade the Imac to try to match. Personally I don't think the All-in-Ones are a good choice, and consider them overpriced, lack expandability and repairs both more expensive and require the entire computer.

PS: Apple knows that they must make Macintosh look different than PC so all Macs except the Mac Pro will not have a tower option. Apple's low end lacks expandability but it makes the Mac "look different", if Mac had a tower for low-end, more people would realize the similarities between the two.

Dell: (Right Now) Specs Below costs $809
CPU: 2.4 GHZ Dell Inspiron QUAD (4 Processor) CORE
SCREEN: 20inch Screen
HARD DRIVE: 500 GB hard Drive
GRAPHICS: (upgrade to ) ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO 128MB

The Best Deal Mac is not the Mac Mini since it has no monitor, keyboard, mouse, very skimpy on options and setup... IMac is better price than the Mac Mini.

IMac ($1400)
CPU: 2.4 GHZ DUAL (2 Processor) CORE (SLOWER CPU)
SCREEN: 20inch Screen
MEMORY: (upgrade to) 2GB Ram (LESS RAM)
HARD DRIVE: (upgrade to ) 500 GB hard Drive
OPTICAL DRIVE: 8x DVD Reader/Writer (1/2 speed)
GRAPHICS: ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO 128MB

************************END OF DESKTOP


Mac OS X was hacked in 2006 under 30 minutes, and hacked within 2 minutes in a contest in 2008. Linux and Vista were not able to be hacked until another day when restrictions were lowered.
All macs are standardized with Cameras, if your system gets hacked, the hacker would more likely be able to turn on your camera.
Please Note: All OS's have vulnerabilities.


The argument that OS X has less viruses is true, but that is against XP, BUT Mac OS X has viruses, a friend of mine has a virused Mac. As more users use Macs, more viruses will come out for it. Especially when users think "they are safe".

Google/Yahoo Mac Viruses

D) WINDOWS LICENSE is discounted with PCs

You do not pay the full price, for instance Dell -> you pay $50 or less for Vista Home Premium If you buy a Mac and want Vista, you pay full price.


Repairs are more expensive than PCs since the IMac, Mac Mini are compact units, and Apple charges a premium for their services. Some repairs can be done by another repair service but the compact design of the computer causes problems.
With an IMac, if the problem is with the monitor, the whole computer would have to be brought in.
IMac and Mac mini lack expansion.


Sample of problems: Overheating Macbooks, OS X- not responding to keyboard, some units with 16bit screens, etc. Apple statistics are misleading since Mac users with problem machines are more likely to go out and buy a new computer than PC users. Apple is lowering prices which means you can expect lower quality than in the past. Apple had switched the manufacturers producing parts. OS X also has problems slowing down.
Google/Yahoo OS X on PC

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Where can I find a good video editing system?

video editing software for ipad
 on Video Editing Software for iPad videos on PopScreen
video editing software for ipad image

Dara Glenn

I use Google Chrome and I don't really want to download Movie Maker because it does not work on mine... Please list some good video editing system or effects...
Thank You...

Aunsoft Video Converter helps you convert between various formats. It is the must-have conversion tool for video lovers, and enables you to enjoy movies on computer, to further edit video for creation, to present video on HDTV, and to publish video online in web-friendly format. You can control your video and music on popular portable devices including iPad, Nexus One, HTC Hero, Zune, iPod, PSP, Apple TV, iPhone anytime anywhere.

With this powerful converter, you can also convert videos for video editing software like Adobe Premiere, Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas, and upload video to YouTube and MySpace to share videos.

How do you combine video audio and track audio in sony vegas 9?

Q. If you put a video that has audio in sony vegas then put a song over the top. I would like to know how to combine the audio so that you can hear both, thanks.

Aunsoft Video Converter helps you convert between various formats. It is the must-have conversion tool for video lovers, and enables you to enjoy movies on computer, to further edit video for creation, to present video on HDTV, and to publish video online in web-friendly format. You can control your video and music on popular portable devices including iPad, Nexus One, HTC Hero, Zune, iPod, PSP, Apple TV, iPhone anytime anywhere.

With this powerful converter, you can also convert videos for video editing software like Adobe Premiere, Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas, and upload video to YouTube and MySpace to share videos.

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What is a good laptop for editing movies?

best laptop for editing
 on Adjustable Chairs, Ergonomics and Video Editing | VideoUniversity
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im looking for a good laptop to edit movies, thats it, nothing else. IM also on a budget, anything under 800 or so.

Dell Studio XPS

What kind of laptop is good for editing pictures?

Q. I need a laptop for editing pictures! What kind would be good for that? Under 1,000 would be nice!

You should be looking for one with at least a 17" screen of decent quality: most photo-editing software puts menus and palettes round the edges of the screen so the actual picture area can be limited. Gamers demand the fastest of everything, but for picture editing you don't need tomorrow's technology. A reasonably fast processor and motherboard will do - you need some speed otherwise saving large image files can seem slow. 2 or 3Gb of on-board memory is handy. Make sure there are enough easily-accessible USB ports to support a mouse, a tablet if you're going to use one, and a card reader; some laptops have some card slots built in, but never enough or the right sort. If you're editing photos, set aside a little money for a monitor calibrator (they start around £70 / $100), to ensure that the brightness, contrast, colours, hues and saturation that you see on screen are accurate - otherwise you may get some very odd results when you print. You should get something perfectly adequate for under $1,000. Shop around - and have fun!

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What is a good basic laptop for a university student?

laptops for video photo editing
 on Top 6 Online Image Editing Tools | Geeky Stuffs
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I'd only be doing basic stuff like microsoft office, internet browsing and such. Also, my degree might need some heavy video, audio and photo editing so I'd need a laptop that can handle those things and still run at a decent speed while I'm at it.

I'm also on a tight budget so the cheaper the better for me! Thanks!

There are various websites to get a good pc, but I see with eBay it does not matter when or just what you buy given that they in general contain 1000's from which to select and are also a lttle bit lower priced than in the retail store. You may look for your minimum needs and just what price tag you'd like to pay. Thus find what lowest specification you need and how much you happen to be ready to pay and also filter the outcomes in eBay. You might get a good deal any time of year.

How will my laptop work with mass amounts of video, photo, and music editing?


I recently bought a 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display and had it upgraded to 2.8 GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, with TurboBoost up to 3.8GHz and 768 GB of flash storage. I was wondering how well would it work with massive amounts of photo, video, and music editing along with capability to play intense game with hardcore graphics also to hold a lot of storage of constant 10 to 20 minute long videos added a day, can it do all of this without crashing constantly but rarities are accepted and if storage is the only true problem I am willing to get an external storage device. I am posting this because I am a starting photographer, somewhat a director, a student, and overall entertainer. I also am asking because even though when I did the research it all seemed to check out I was wondering if any experts or people with personal experience could shine some light upon this because I've had many laptops that cant seem to handle extensive editing of all kinds from programs like those created by Adobe, and cant handle the storage for the videos and also crash during downloads of high quality games or during the actual gameplay. I'd like to hear many people's opinions and am open to suggestions. Thank you.

Files in storage do not cause system crashes. To store massive amounts of data, you will need some external drives. My Mac tower had four internal drives and four external drives. I don't use any of my Mac notebooks for video editing, except a bit of touch up on location. I can't deal with intense editing on a tiny 15" screen.

Notebook computers don't play games at highest level all day without some over-heating.... unless the notebook is almost 2 inches thick (Alienware) to allow large fans and air space inside for cooling.

If you use several high-RAM apps simultaneously, such as Final Cut Pro, Photoshop and Handbrake, the system will use scratch space / virtual memory, and that will cause slow operation, but not necessarily a crash.

Notebook computers are designed for multi-tasking on the go, but in recent years, a trend has skyrocketed for "bolting down" a notebook, and using it as if it were a desktop. It would make much more sense for these people to buy a desktop, like the Mac Pro or an all-in-one, like the iMac.


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Recommend Laptop For Film and Video Production?

decent laptop for video editing
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Aqua Man

I am going into University and taking Film and Video Production, and i need a Laptop for Video Editing, and what not. I want a decent laptop, with little lag.
Can you recommend a laptop or give a list of minimum specs, or a price range i what i will be expecting to pay?
No Mac for me. Compared to Windows based computer, they are way more expensive. They don't run as many programs, and games. They also cannot be upgraded as easily. So no.

A XPS... Alienware... or 17inch Macbook Pro... Crazy computer!

$1200 - 4000

XPS - 1300
Mac - 2700
Alienware - 3000 - 4000

What are some notebook laptops under 400 dollars?


I want to get a laptop or notebook thingy. I would mostly use it for typing, video editing, photo editing and MAYBE the internet. I want something thats pretty good quality but not to expensive. i want something under $400. Thanx 4 your help

net books are under 400.

you wont be able to do decent photo editing...and video editing..err good luck.

save up some more dough and look for something with "dedicated graphics" at least 512mb. and youll be fine.


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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Is there any good video editing software compatible with the flip camera mino?

video editing software reviews
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Q. I would like to use a better video editing software but i need one compatible with the flip mino camera. Please help me. Easy 10 points.


What is the right video editing program for me?


I've been looking for weeks and looking to spend about $100 at the very most. Right now, I'm leaning more towards Sony Vegas.

I would go with Sony too.


Made in Japan (which is trustworthy).
How do you know American companies can be trusted? (Adobe)
The other video editing programs look expensive (CyberPowerdirector)
Sony is simply the BEST.

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How important is a computer processor to a casual user?

laptop features for video editing
 on The Best Free Software: Photo Editing -
laptop features for video editing image

Daniel F

I am looking into purchasing a laptop and I found a great deal on an HP dv6, which features an AMD A8-3520M Quad-Core 1.6GHz, 6GB DDR3 Memory, and a 500 GB hard drive. I generally use the laptop for the internet, microsoft office, and watching movies. I may do a LITTLE bit of video editing but it is not significant. How important is that the processor is not an Intel i3, which is more expensive?

Casual as in typing documents, browsing Facebook, and using YouTube? Not very important-- the laptop you have in mind would be more than sufficient.

If you plan on rendering lots of videos and graphics, playing intensive games and intensive mufti-tasking (where each program is *actively* doing something) however... CPU power would be very important, and that CPU wouldn't be the best for the job.

Would an Acer laptop be good for video editing?

Q. I'm hoping to buy a new Acer laptop that sports 4GB of RAM and the new Intel Core i3. Compared to my current Advent laptop of 3GB and an Intel Pentium Dual-Core T3400, would it be worth buying for one such as myself who does quite a lot of video editing using the following programs: Sony Vegas Pro 10 and Adobe Premiere Pro 9?

Here is a system requirements for adobe premier latest version CS5
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 requires a 64-bit operating system.

* Intel® Coreâ¢2 Duo or AMD Phenom® II processor; 64-bit support required
* 64-bit operating system required: Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 or Windows® 7
* 2GB of RAM (4GB or more recommended)
* 10GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash-based storage devices)
* 7200 RPM hard drive for editing compressed video formats; RAID 0 for uncompressed
* 1280x900 display with OpenGL 2.0âcompatible graphics card
* Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance
* Adobe-certified card for capture and export to tape for SD/HD workflows
* OHCI-compatible IEEE 1394 port for DV and HDV capture, export to tape, and transmit to DV device
* Sound card compatible with ASIO protocol or Microsoft Windows Driver Model
* DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (DVD+-R burner for burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)
* QuickTime 7.6.2 software required for QuickTime features
* Broadband Internet connection required for online services*

So if you have up to this requirements you will surely run it smoothly. I hope it helps.

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What is best video editor for Dance videos?

laptop for hd video editing 2012
 on ... HD Platinum 11 Production Suite Review | Your Best Source For Video
laptop for hd video editing 2012 image

Sabrina Le

I want to do dance shout out videos for my friend (:
& i want to add words to the screen & edit how the picture look (like saturation & contrast & etc.)

I will also like to be able to cut & place differnet parts of the video.

Something easy to be runned on a laptop (:

Please & thank you :D

How about three very good freeware video editor programs, Freemake, FileLab, or VSDC? Each is safe, fully functioning, no watermarks, will not ask for money, and are recent releases that are HD capable.

They are listed in order of increasing capabilities. Freemake provides merging of video clips, and simple editing such as cutting and splicing. It will also automatically upload your video to YouTube if desired. It is also capable of converting your video to just about any video format in existence. FileLab has much more features, such as color correction, title editor, and special effects. VSDC is an advanced editor, capable of effects such as green screen editing. The following link has more info, but make sure to also view other articles on this site, as they outline other capabilities of these three programs.:

By the way, based on what you said you wanted in an editor, recommend taking a look at FileLab first.

Roxio Game Capture Video Wave crashes when I add background audio?


I recently installed the video editing software for my Roxio Game Capture HD Pro and everything works except for adding background audio. The capture card does not record my voice while I'm playing so I figured I would use Sound Recorder to record it while I play and then just overlay my voice after recording the video. The problem is that whenever I click the "Add Background Audio" button the File Explorer appears but a message immediately pops up saying "Videowave has stopped working" and then the program closes.

I am using a Toshiba Satellite A665(64 bit) with a Core i3, and Intel HD Graphics. I have Windows 8 and the program would only install when I used the Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatibility mode(if I didn't do this the installation would roll back when doing something with DirectX 9). I have attempted running the software with Game Booster Razer and also after installing a patch from October 2012 and restarting a computer but it still crashes when I try to add audio.
Any Ideas?

Hello, Microsoft answer desk is free and a great source of accurate information. And has helped a lot of computer users... Speak to Microsoft Certified Technicians Call 1-866-610-3132 Toll Free Here is the
old stand by This site is very good,
Good Luck...

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What type of camera and editing software do youtubers use?

video editing software youtubers use
 on ! Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE ...
video editing software youtubers use image


I just wanted to take a shot at making videos and being creative myself, so I was wondering what kind of software and camera (that's pretty cheap if not free) that makes the videos look somewhat professional.

Thanks in advance!

My guess is probably Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Apple Final Cut Pro, and Apple Motion.

What video editing software does youtubers use? particularly gabe bondoc?

Percival B

I want to know how they do that blur effect on their title part. thanks!

-Sony Vegas 9.0

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I need some good free video editing software for Windows?

best windows based laptop for video editing
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I've got Windows 7 on my laptop, and recently me and my friend have been really interested in making videos for YouTube. While MovieMaker cuts the footage together alright, the video playback quality isn't great, and there are no special effects you can add in such as slow motion or photos over video. So I was wondering if there's any reliable software for Windows 7 that lets you edit videos with good special effects, and most importantly - it's FREE. Not just a free trial, but free. Period.

Stupeflix is a great web based service for creating and uploading videos. Photobucket is a great web based and FREE editing tools. The software behind it comes from Adobe who make some of the best commercial ($$$) photo and video editors. Also check out Jaycut which allows you to export and save your videos! If you need/want more features downloading VideoSpin, VideoPad or VideoThang are great options. Still free, but you have to download the software.

For under $100 you can buy Adobe Premiere Elements.

Pixorial is a great tool for many media - free, with full features, for up to 10gb of video.

There is also new freeware version of Windows Movie Maker that works on Windows Vista, XP and even Windows 7. Microsoft has added and deleted features from each version and this version has all the features from each version plus some extras.

is the sony vaio cs a good laptop for what i need?


i will be using this laptop for video editing with sony vegas 9 platinum, and general internet things. i will be taking great care of it, and have it plugged-in almost 24/7. what are bad things you have experienced with this laptop? do the pro's outweigh the con's?

he Sony VAIO CS Series is an inexpensive laptop that is very simliar to the Sony AW series. The CS series comes with a variety of colors: purple, black, red, pink and white with a few extra colors, brown, red and pink, duplicated with a faux crocodile skin. Like AW series, the Sony VAIO CS Series has a touch sensitive AV control pad, making it easy to watch movies or listen to music without having to use the mouse. It also has a built-in MOTION EYE webcam and microphone like the AW, and comes with a free upgrade to Windows 7. One very unique feature that the CS has is its ability to categorize music and arrange it based on the essence of the owner's mood. The VAIO MusicBox software even allows the consumer to just listen to the chorus of a song with the Chorus playback mode.

Pros: Smaller Dimensions Thanks to 14.1-inch Screen, Good General Performance

Cons: Integrated Graphics, Lacks Some Modern Peripheral Connectors, Poor Internal Speaker

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