Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Video editing software?


Is there something I could download for windows 7, thats like imovie or windows movie maker.. but I want it to be really easy to use and it cant harm my computer, i'm only 13 and I'm not very good at editing videos. It's not really for editing it's just for putting titles on the beginning. I want to be able to do something like whats on the very beginning of this video:

also it has to be free :)

FileLab is a freeware video editing program for just about all platforms (Mac, PC, etc...). It has many transition and video effects, very good title editor, and customized color correction to include brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, and gamma.

Video Editing Software?

Carly N.

I would like to maybe start a YouTube channel. My main inspirations are JennxPenn, ConnorFranta, Our2ndLife, etc. Their videos are really fun and creative and I am in love with their editing skills!! Unfortunately, they all have Mac computers and I don't (I have a HP G62). Which means they use Final Cut Pro and I can't. However, I think there's still some pretty good editing softwares out there for PCs (hopefully!). I would really appreciate some suggestions as to which software I should buy. Is there anything that's pretty close to Final Cut Pro?? I'm also saving up for a Canon Rebel t3i, if that's any help. :)

Final Cut Pro costs US$299. Adobe Premier Pro is similar.

Cheaper is Sony Vegas. All the PC semi-pro video guys use it.

NOTE: Never pay more for the software than you paid for the camera. Typically, pro video editing software is for TV and Hollywood, not for home movies or Youtube. These days, people steal a lot of software, so they may or may not have bought FCP. In fact, almost all the stuff you see on Youtube can be done in iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.

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